Welcome to the first episode of ‘Gut Feeling with Doctor Pal.’ In this episode, Dr. Sid Warrier, a Neurologist, will deep dive into topics such as social media addiction, drinking issues, sleep deprivation, mental health, and depression. Join us in this amazing yet insightful discussion
Coming Up on the Podcast
- Why Mental Health issues are increasing in India?
- What age group is most affected by mental illness?
- Early Onset Dementia Explained!
- Warning Signs of Dementia
- Disease Similar to Alzheimer’s – Please get it checked!
- Do this to prevent Alzheimer’s
- The right lifestyle make a difference to cure Alzheimer’s
- Why sleep is essential for health?
- Health Effects of Working Night Shifts!
- The Problem with Hustle Culture
- Does sleeping in the afternoon count as sleep?
- What is Sleep Apnea?
- Shocking Link between Social Media Scrolling, Sleep Issues & Mental Health Problems
- Alcohol Messes up with your Sleep
- A glass of wine before bed is healthy. Myth or Truth?
- Marketing by Alcohol Companies
- Drinking Alcohol Interferes with Your Sleep
- Link between Drinking Alcohol & Productivity Community
- Dr Sid on 70-Hour Work Week
- How Dr. Sid Manages OPD and YouTube Without Getting Stressed!
- Social Media Algorithms and Your Mental Health
- Why do people love watching Big Boss?
- Social Media Algorithms & Hate Reactions
- How can we Reduce Phone Addiction?
- The Problem with Increased Phone Screen Time
- Dopamine Explained by Neurologist, Dr Sid!
- How to stop Mindless Scrolling?
1:03:30 – Will Obesity and Mental Health Become a Pandemic? - Stress and Eating Behaviors
- Tips to STOP Stress Eating by Dr Sid
- The benefits of Chanting Mantras
- Body Positivity Vs Self Denial
- How to build a Good Habits?
- Prefrontal Cortex Vs Limbic Cortex Function
- Dr. Pal on How to Train Your Brain to Build Healthy Habits
- Dr Pal’s Fun Segment
- Dr Sid wrote a Poem on Brain-Gut Axis