Our program is designed to help you develop a healthy, positive relationship with food, while empowering you to take control of your overall health
What is the Diabetes deal?
Diabetes – the symptoms of which may not be evident early on or mostly ignored due to lack of awareness, starts developing as a chronic inflammatory condition over many years due to poor lifestyle choices and stress. It may get diagnosed one fine day during a blood work check or annual health check. At the root of the disease is an inefficient ‘Insulin’ mechanism- a hormone responsible for blood sugar management in the body.
The common guideline that comes along with the medication prescription for diabetes, is to “make lifestyle changes”, “eat less rice/roti”, “do walking everyday” etc.
These generic guidelines often create fear of certain types of food in people, lead to inadequate physical activity routine, and having no education of how the condition can be managed better, tapering medications will not even be a goal for many.
Diabetes eventually leads to further serious health issues, a whole list of other physical as well as mental health symptoms which are impending medical burdens.
The NewME role in Diabetes care :
Recognizing that diabetes is an inflammatory condition, our program focuses on examining the health of the pancreas, understanding the lifestyle challenges contributing to the condition, and educating on all aspects of everyday healthy habits which will support the disease reversal.
Our integrative team of nutritionists, lifestyle coaches, and yoga experts, work collaboratively with an approach to effectively manage and improve overall health leading to Diabetes remission.
leads to:
Increases the risk of cardio-vasucular ailments
Can lead to stroke, vision loss, chronic kidney diseases & nerve damage
Impacts overall quality of life and wellbeing
Tailored nutrition plans and guidance to help you maintain optimal glucose level by improving inadequacies in food and nutrition.
A structured fitness and strength training routine to complement your nutritional goals.
Emotional counselling and meditation, aimed at reducing stress and improving blood sugar profile.
Sleep hygiene goals for improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation and stress.
Improve overall health, prevent diabetes complications
Improve blood sugar outcomes & HbA1c aimed at diabetes reversal
Reduce or eliminate the need for medication
Did you know? Daily lifestyle routine has a higher cumulative impact on weight loss than restricting calories alone. Don’t limit yourself to calorie counting. Everyday health habits when set right, contribute immensely towards a holistic weight transformation and overall well-being.
Often facing discomfort of acidity, bloating, constipation? Or have a chronic diagnosis of GERD/ IBS/ IBD. The answer to better gut health is in empowering the good over the bad – in terms of gut bacteria! Our team of gut health experts will do just that. Guide you to empower your gut.
Tension isn’t the only cause of hypertension. Conditions like obesity and diabetes also contribute. Lifestyle interventions can effectively manage and even reverse high blood pressure. Our heart health experts use evidence-based principles to guide you in caring for your heart.
Cholesterol reversal goes beyond avoiding fatty foods. Achieve balance with wholesome choices. Our experts can guide you on how proper cholesterol management boosts cardiovascular health, liver function, and longevity. Winning over cholesterol is simple with the right approach.
Hormones are a woman’s best friend through life’s phases, all the way from pre-teen to post menopause. During these times, self-care, utmost nourishment, and health education are crucial for well-being. Our health coaches provide support and guidance, to help you navigate the ups and downs of hormonal changes with ease.
Consult with our health coach to find the right program for you and learn how to utilize your NewME plan with our exclusive NewME app.
Consult with our health coach to find the right program for you and learn how to utilize your NewME plan with our exclusive NewME app.